What is a PLYO Box?
Plyometric training is a form of exercise that uses high-intensity, explosive movements to build muscle power and speed. In the past, plyometric exercises would often be done on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt. However, today there are many different types of equipment available that can make plyometric training safer and more comfortable while still getting great results.
One type of equipment used for plyometric training is called a Plyo Box or Plyo Jump box. These are basically small platforms that you stand on to perform various types of jumps such as squat jumps or depth jumps. They come in different sizes so you can choose one depending on your fitness level and goals for using this type of equipment.
What are the benefits of this type of equipment?
Plyometric boxes are great for athletes looking to improve power, speed, jumping ability, agility, and balance. They also have a number of other benefits as well. Plyo boxes can improve:
- Muscle strength and endurance
- Cardiovascular fitness (VO2 max)
- Body composition (percentage of body fat)
When using plyometric training to improve athletic performance you want to make sure that the exercises you do on a PLYO box are safe. You want your jump landing position to be correct so that your knee does not collapse inward or outward during impact with the ground or floor.
How do you use it?
Using a Plyo Box is a great way to challenge your muscles and build strength. Here are some tips on how to use this equipment safely and effectively.
- Always warm up with dynamic movements like running or jumping jacks before doing plyometric exercises.
- Make sure you have enough space around your box so that you don't hurt yourself while jumping on it. If you can't spread out, try doing your plyometric exercises off of the ground instead of using a box.
- When performing plyometric jumps, keep in mind that form is very important for safety reasons: feet should be hip-width apart with knees slightly bent during landing; back should be straight with core engaged throughout the entire movement; hands should be placed at a mid-chest level during take offs and landings; eyes should be focused straight ahead at all times.
How many box jumps should you do a day?
The amount of plyometric exercises you do a day depends on your fitness goals and current level of strength.
Most people should start with 5-10 box jumps per workout. As you begin to get stronger, you can increase the number of jumps during each session or add more sessions per week. However, it's important to keep in mind that too much of this type of exercise can lead to injury if done incorrectly—it's best to gradually increase over time until you reach your desired level.
On the other hand, if you want to improve speed and power by doing more plyometric exercises than usual (more than 15 reps), make sure there is adequate recovery time between workouts (two days at least).
Are box jumps good for building muscles?
You can't build muscle with plyometric exercises alone. Muscle is built through resistance training, aka weight lifting. Plyometric exercises are great for building muscle because they make your body work harder than it normally would, causing micro-tears in the muscle fibers that need to repair themselves by growing larger and stronger than before. This means that a box jump will help you build more muscle than doing regular bodyweight squats or jumping jacks, but it won't make you bigger on its own.
What muscles are worked with box jumps?
When you perform a plyometric exercise, your muscles go through three phases:
- Eccentric contraction. The muscle lengthens while it contracts, such as when you lower down into a squat.
- Isometric contraction. The muscle is neither lengthening nor shortening, such as when you hold the bottom of a squat.
- Concentric contraction. The muscle shortens while it contracts, such as when you come up out of a squat.
The muscles involved in box jumps include:
- Quadriceps — The quadriceps are located on the front of your thigh, above the knee joint. They're responsible for extending (straightening) your knee and they play a role in helping you balance while standing on one leg.
- Hamstrings — The hamstrings are located on the back of your thigh, below your gluteal folds (the crease where your buttocks meet your thighs). The hamstrings are responsible for flexing (bending) at both hip joints and extending at one hip joint while flexing at the other hip joint (as when walking upstairs).
- Glutes — Your glutes consist of three muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Their main function is to extend (straighten) hip joints during activities like running or jumping.
How do you choose the best box jumps?
When you are looking for a box jump, there are some things that you need to consider. First of all, you need to determine the height of the box jump. The reason for this is that if your box jump is too high, it could be difficult for you to get on it and off it. You might also find that if the box is too high, you will have to jump up at least two times in order to get on top of it. If your box is too low, then it will be very easy for you to get on top of it but it will not be challenging enough.
The other thing that you need to consider when choosing a box jump is how wide or large it should be. In general, wider boxes are better than thinner ones because they provide more stability and support when you are jumping on them. This makes them safer and easier to use as well as making them more comfortable overall.
What are the disadvantages of Plyometric training?
The disadvantages of plyometric training include:
- Increased risk of injury — Plyometric exercises place stress on your joints, ligaments, and tendons, which can lead to injuries such as sprains or strains if done incorrectly or too often.
- Increased muscle soreness — If not done right, Plyometric exercises cause micro-trauma in your muscles when they're stretched beyond their normal range of motion during an explosive movement such as a jump or bounding step forward with both feet together.
- Fatigue - If you don't take proper rest days between workouts then you may feel fatigued the next day when trying to do other types of workouts such as cardio training (biking/running) or strength training (lifting weights).
We hope that this article was helpful in explaining what a plyometric box jump is and how it can benefit you. If you are interested in purchasing this type of equipment for your home or gym, check our 3-in-1 Plyometric Box with anti-slip and shock absorbing layer to prevent you from injuries!