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September 18, 2022 4 min read

Plyometric boxes are a type of training that uses explosive movements to train the body. Plyo boxes are used by athletes and non-athletes alike to increase their strength and power. They can be purchased as softboxes or hard boxes and are typically used for jump training. A plyometric box is a piece of equipment used for plyometric exercises.

Some commonly known exercises using PLYO boxes include box jumps and squat jumps (also called split squats), but there are many more ways you can use them in your workout routine!

Are Plyo boxes worth it?

Plyometrics are a great way to improve your fitness, and exercise boxes are an affordable and convenient — though certainly not the only — way to incorporate plyometric exercises into your workouts. While it's true that there are many ways to accomplish and measure the same things in a workout, there are definitely some benefits associated with using plyometric boxes.

Plyometrics involves doing explosive moves with little rest between sets until you're about ready to collapse from exhaustion. Plyometrics can be used for different purposes depending on what kind of body composition goal you want: weight loss or gaining muscle mass? It doesn't matter! If you want better cardio capacity or faster-sprinting speed, then incorporating plyometric training into your routine will help achieve those goals!

How heavy should a PLYO box be?

The weight of your Plyo box depends on how well you can handle it. The idea is that you want to challenge yourself and still be able to perform the movement safely, but if you're feeling too challenged, add more boxes until the weight is manageable for you.

Are soft PLYO boxes good?

Soft PLYO boxes are great for beginners and people who just want to build strength and endurance. They're also a more affordable option since they don't have to be as sturdy as their hard counterparts. Soft PLYO boxes are less expensive than hard PLYO boxes because they don't have the same material or construction costs.

Soft PLYO boxes are portable and very easy to move around your home or gym, which makes them ideal for those who travel often or have limited space in their home gym. If you're looking for a low-cost way to get started with plyometrics at home, then soft PLYOs might be right up your alley!

What are PLYO boxes used for?

Plyometric boxes are used for plyometric exercises that involve explosive jumping movements. Plyometric training is most commonly used to improve athletic performance in sports such as basketball, baseball, and volleyball. Plyometrics helps athletes develop greater muscle coordination, balance, and flexibility – all of which contribute to improving athleticism.

Plyo boxes are also used by people who want to increase their vertical jump height with minimal effort. The best way to do this is by performing box jumps on these PLYO boxes regularly until you are able to jump up onto them easily.

How to do a box jump

If you're ready to take your box jumps to the next level, follow these guidelines:

Start small. If you're new to box jumps and want to start with a low height, try starting with just a 6-inch box. Once you master that height and feel comfortable jumping onto it regularly, work your way up in height until you can do full-height box jumps. If you're new to jumping on boxes at all, start by doing single-leg hops on an 18-inch high platform before progressing to double-leg jumps onto a 24-inch high platform.

  • Step 1: Stand on the floor in front of the box.
  • Step 2: Take an explosive leap onto the box, landing with both feet together and knees slightly bent.
  • Step 3: Use your arms to help propel yourself up if necessary.
  • Step 4: Step down quickly and repeat.

Which muscles do box jumps work?

The muscles that work hardest during box jumps include:

  • Quadriceps — Your quadriceps are the muscles in the front of your thigh that help you move your knees upward when you jump.
  • Gluteus maximus — Your glutes are located at the back of your waistline under each butt cheek. They help extend (straighten) your hip joint when you're standing with bent knees and then straighten them out again when you're standing up straight.
  • Hamstrings— These are three muscles on the back of your upper leg that runs from just below the knee to just above or below your hips.

What Are the Different Types of Plyo Boxes?

  • 3-in-1 Plyo box:These multi-purpose boxes have three different heights, allowing you to perform different types of plyometric exercises on them. The shorter height is perfect for squat jumps and depth jumps while the taller height is ideal for step-ups and box jumps.
  • Stackable jump training boxes: These portable plyometric boxes come in various heights so that you can mix up your workout routine by adding on or removing layers depending on your needs.
  • Wooden Plyo Boxes:Wooden plyo boxes are probably the most common type of Plyo box. These boxes are usually made out of solid wood with reinforced corners and have handles on each side so you can carry them easily when moving them around (or even use them as stepping platforms). You'll usually find wooden Plyo boxes in sets of two or three, which makes it easy to create an obstacle course in your backyard or driveway!
  • Soft Plyo Boxes: Soft Plyo boxes are slightly larger than wooden ones and have a softer surface that makes them more comfortable on your feet when landing from jumps. They're designed to be used by beginners who may need more padding while they get used to using a plyometric box.

How heavy should a PLYO Box be?

PLYO boxes are meant to be used for high-intensity interval training, so they need to be light enough for you to move them quickly. In other words, if you can't lift it by yourself, it's too heavy.

imanuel reza
imanuel reza

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