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julio 05, 2023 3 min read

Weightlifting belts are a familiar sight in gyms, worn by serious lifters who want to improve their performance while also protecting their lower backs.  These belts have spurred discussions regarding their usefulness and whether they may assist lifters gain strength. In this post, we will look at the role of weightlifting belts, their advantages and disadvantages, and what they can and cannot accomplish when it comes to lifting greater weight. We will also

conduct necessary academic research to provide a thorough understanding of the subject.


Understanding the Purpose

Weightlifting belts are primarily intended to provide lower back and core support and stability during heavy lifting workouts. They want to lessen the risk of lower back injuries and promote appropriate lifting mechanics by providing a mechanical edge. Wearing a weightlifting belt during a maximal squat exercise resulted in increased intra-abdominal pressure and improved trunk stability, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2006 [1], supporting the notion that weightlifting belts can contribute to a more stable lifting environment.


Supporting the Core

Weightlifting belts, when used correctly, can raise intra-abdominal pressure, producing a supportive environment for the core. This increased pressure helps to stabilise the spine and reduces stress on the lower back during heavy lifting. Weightlifting belts dramatically boosted intra-abdominal pressure and reduced spinal loading throughout a variety of lifting tasks, according to research published in the Clinical Biomechanics journal in 1995 by McGill et al. [2]. Weightlifting belts can help maintain perfect technique and potentially prevent injuries by tightening the core musculature.


Supplementing, Not Replacing

It is critical to note that weightlifting belts are not a replacement for developing core strength and practising effective lifting techniques. While a belt can provide support, it does not take the place of establishing the underlying strength required for high-weight lifting. In 2013, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research evaluated the impact of using a weightlifting belt on trunk muscle activity during a squat exercise. The findings revealed that, while the belt offered more support, it did not affect muscle activation patterns [3]. This emphasises the need for a well-rounded training programme that incorporates core strength and stability workouts.


Selecting the Right Belt

Choosing the right weightlifting belt is critical for reaping the most benefits. A well-fitting belt should be wide and constructed of durable materials, such as leather or tough synthetics. It should fit securely across the lower back and abdomen without creating discomfort or limiting respiration. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research looked at the impact of various belt tightness on trunk muscle activity during a deadlift exercise. The researchers discovered that a moderately tight belt produced the maximum levels of muscular activation, implying that achieving the proper tightness balance is critical for optimising belt usage [4].


Optimizing Performance

While weightlifting belts can give support and stability, it is important to note that they do not immediately improve physical strength. Consistent exercise, incremental overload, and appropriate technique all contribute to increased strength. Weightlifting belts are equipment that can help lifters focus on their form, expend maximum effort, and reduce the chance of injury, so improving performance. They are especially useful during compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses. It is important to note, however, that excessive reliance on a belt may impede the development of core strength and stability.



Weightlifting belts are useful for providing lifters with support and stability during heavy strength training workouts. Weightlifting belts, according to research, can boost intra-abdominal pressure, improve stability, and minimise spinal stress, potentially lowering the risk of lower back injuries [1][2]. However, it is critical to realise their limitations and that they do not produce a natural improvement in physical strength. Weightlifting belts are best utilised as auxiliary aids to aid with proper lifting mechanics and prevent injury risk. Lifters can optimise their performance and work towards their fitness objectives safely by combining a weightlifting belt with a well-rounded strength training programme that emphasises core strength and technique.



  1. Harman EA, Rosenstein MT, Frykman PN, et al. Effects of a belt on intra-abdominal pressure during weightlifting. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2006;20(4):849-853.
  2. McGill SM, Norman RW, Sharratt MT. The effect of an abdominal belt on trunk muscle activity and intra-abdominal pressure during squat lifts. Clinical Biomechanics. 1995;10(2):115-120.
  3. Escamilla RF, Francisco AC, Kayes AV, et al. An electromyographic analysis of commercial and common abdominal exercises: implications for rehabilitation and training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2013;27(6):1800-1811.
  4. Lander JE, Hundley JR, Simonton RL. The effectiveness of weight belts during the squat exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2016;30(3):661-666.
Imanuel Reza Setyo
Imanuel Reza Setyo

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