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augusti 23, 2023 3 min read

Sandbag workouts have evolved as adaptable and dynamic training approaches that can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Sandbag exercises provide a full-body challenge that works numerous muscle groups and increases calorie burn, whether you're a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast trying to improve your workouts. In this blog post, we'll go into the world of sandbag workouts, investigating their advantages, calorie-burning potential, and how to manually calculate calories burned.


Unveiling Sandbag Workouts: A Dynamic Fitness Solution 

Full-Body Dynamic Engagement: Sandbag workouts include utilitarian motions that replicate real-life activities. The sandbag's shifting weight tests your stabiliser muscles and core, resulting in better balance and coordination.

Sandbag exercises can be adjusted to different fitness levels and goals. Sandbag workouts include a varied range of exercises that target different muscular groups, ranging from squats, lunges, and deadlifts to more dynamic actions like cleans and presses.

Strength and Power Development: Because the sandbag is unstable, your muscles must work harder to control the weight. As a result, functional strength and power are increased, making sandbag workouts an excellent choice for both strength training and cardiovascular fitness. But with Next Alpha Workout Sandbag. You can overcome this easily as we provide adjsutable weight bags to improve stability during your workout sessions.

Sandbag workouts raise your heart rate as a result of the combination of strength and cardio training. This dual involvement improves cardiovascular endurance while also effectively burning calories.


Calories Burned During Sandbag Workouts

Sandbag exercises are inherently high-intensity workouts due to their dynamic nature, which includes explosive motions and multi-joint activation. Increased intensity results in increased calorie burn both during and after the activity.

Elevated Heart Rate, the strength and cardio components work together to keep your heart rate up throughout the exercise. This increased calorie expenditure is due to the continuous cardiovascular demand.

Sandbag workouts can be planned as interval training, with intervals of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest. Interval training has been shown to increase post-workout calorie burn and metabolic rate.


Average Calories Burned During Sandbag Workouts

The quantity of calories burned during sandbag workouts varies based on parameters such as weight, intensity, and duration of the session. A 30-minute sandbag workout can burn 300-500 calories for a person weighing around 155-160 pounds (70-73 kg). This estimate considers the high-intensity nature of the exercises as well as the involvement of various muscle groups.

Remember that individual differences in calorie burn are substantial. The more you put into your sandbag workout and the more muscles you engage, the more calories you will burn.


Understanding MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task)

The MET, or Metabolic Equivalent of Task, is a unit of measurement used to compare the energy expenditure of various activities to the resting metabolic rate. In layman's words, it aids in quantifying the amount of energy your body expends during various tasks.

An activity with a MET value of one, for example, indicates the energy expenditure while at rest. Walking at a moderate speed may have a MET value of roughly 3, meaning that you are burning three times as many calories as you would if you were resting.


The MET formula for calculating calories burned per minute is:

  • Calories burned per minute = MET value × weight in kg × 3.5 / 200


Conclusion: Elevate Your Fitness with Sandbag Workouts

Sandbag workouts are a fun and effective method to work out your muscles, build strength, and burn calories. Their adaptability and variety make them suited for a wide range of exercise goals, from muscle building to cardiovascular health improvement. 

Accept the power of sandbag workouts to help you on your fitness journey. Sandbag workouts give a well-rounded alternative for adding diversity to your routine, increasing strength, or maximising calorie burn. By including sandbag workouts into your routine and learning how to manually calculate calories burned using MET, you'll be able to make the most of your training sessions. Remember that each sandbag lift, carry, and squat is a step closer to your fitness goals.

Imanuel Reza Setyo
Imanuel Reza Setyo

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