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Eylül 06, 2023 4 min read


Sandbag training is becoming increasingly popular as a dynamic and functional workout that tests your strength, stability, and endurance. Lifting, carrying, and manipulating sandbags to work various muscle groups at the same time is an unusual kind of exercise. One of the most prevalent questions among novices is how much weight to use for sandbag training. In this post, we'll look at the aspects to consider when deciding on the right weight for sandbag training, as well as some useful drills to get you started on your sandbag fitness journey.


How Much Weight for Sandbag Training?

It is critical to choose the proper weight for your sandbag training to provide a safe and productive workout. Sandbags, unlike standard weights, have a shifting load that adds an element of instability, necessitating the use of stabiliser muscles. Here are some things to think about while choosing the proper weight:

  1. Fitness Level: To acquire good form and technique, beginners should begin with lesser weights before moving to higher loads. As their power and expertise with sandbag movements improve, intermediate and advanced individuals can gradually raise the weight.
  1. workout Selection: The weight you use will differ depending on the workout. workouts involving dynamic movements, such as cleans and snatches, may require a smaller weight than static workouts, such as squats or lunges.
  1. Repetitions and Sets: Think about how many repetitions and sets you want to do. If you want to do more repetitions, choose a lesser weight to minimise early tiredness and keep correct technique throughout the workout. 
  1. Goals: Your fitness goals influence your weight selection. Are you striving for muscle endurance, strength, or a combination of the two? To align with your goals, adjust the weight accordingly.
  1. Pay Attention to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body reacts to the weight. If you are having difficulty maintaining perfect form or are suffering discomfort, it is best to lessen the weight until you have mastered the action.


Effective Sandbag Training Drills

Now that you understand weight selection, let's look at some useful sandbag training drills for people of all fitness levels:


  1. Sandbag Squats: Recommended Weight: If you're new to squats, begin with a lighter sandbag. Increase the weight gradually as you feel more comfortable.
  • Instructions: Hold the sandbag at chest or shoulder level. Squats are performed by lowering your hips and bending your knees while maintaining a straight back. Return to the beginning position by pushing through your heels.


  1. Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Toss:
  • Ideal Body Weight: Begin with a light weight that will challenge you without compromising form.
  • Instructions: Lift the sandbag from the ground and fling it over your shoulder with force. With each repetition, switch shoulders. This exercise works your entire body and incorporates cardio.


  1. Sandbag Lunges: Select a weight that permits you to retain balance and stability throughout the exercise.
  • Instructions: Hold the sandbag on your shoulders or in a bear hug. Step into a lunge by lowering your back knee to the ground. To return to the starting position, push off the front foot.


  1. Deadlifts using sandbags:
  • Ideal Body Weight: Begin with a light weight to perfect your deadlift form.
  • Instructions: Place the sandbag between your feet on the ground. Hinge at the hips, gently bend your knees, and hold the sandbag handles. Lift the sandbag with your hips and knees extended and your back erect. Controllably lower the sandbag back to the ground.


  1. Sandbag Rowing:
  • Ideal Body Weight: Begin with a weight that works your back muscles without putting your form under strain.
  • Instructions: Use an overhand grip on the sandbag handles. Allow the sandbag to hang in front of you while bending at the hips and keeping your back straight. Engage your back muscles by pulling the sandbag towards your torso. Lower the sandbag carefully.


  1. Sandbag Shouldering: Recommended Weight: Choose a weight that permits you to do the action quickly.
  • Instructions: Place the sandbag on your shoulder after lifting it from the ground. Return it to the ground and repeat with the opposing shoulder. This exercise is fantastic for increasing functional strength and power.


  1. Sandbag Burpees: Recommended Weight: Choose a lighter weight to ensure smooth movement throughout the burpee.
  • Instructions: Perform a burpee while holding the sandbag in both hands. During the squat thrust, place the sandbag on the ground and pick it up again during the jump. This adds resistance to the burpee, increasing the intensity of the activity.



Sandbag trainingoffers a unique and effective way to enhance your functional strength, stability, and overall fitness. When selecting the appropriate weight for sandbag training, consider your fitness level, exercise selection, repetitions, sets, goals, and how your body responds. Remember, safety and proper form are paramount, so always prioritize these factors over lifting heavy weights. Incorporate a variety of sandbag drills into your routine to target different muscle groups and reap the benefits of this versatile training method. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, sandbag training can challenge your limits and elevate your fitness journey.

Imanuel Reza Setyo
Imanuel Reza Setyo

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